I haven't written anything here since May 2017, but since then there have been so many changes in my life. I moved my family to the Seattle area and started a new job at Starbucks. I'm waaaaay overdue for my "just started a new gig" post, so I'd to catch you up over a series of posts in the coming weeks.
While I've always been a tree hugger at heart, most recently I've been on a journey (a.k.a. obsession) to drive digital sustainability at Starbucks; that means reducing the carbon footprint caused my our digital business.
It's an ongoing process, but my next step is to use Tomatohater.com as a proving ground to minimize the carbon emissions of this website, and to discuss the results and methodologies. I'll need to begin by baselining this site's current carbon footprint. I'll look at hosting and data transfer, I already have a good start here since I use a static site generator (Pelican) and am heavily cached at a CDN that invests in renewable energy (Cloudflare). The primary opportunity will be in the arena of minimizing the page size and any assets need at runtime. I'll also consider the energy used by web browsers use render this site.
I love what Low Tech Magazine's solar powered website has done and consider it a prime example of how far one can go down this path.
More to follow!