Here's a sample fabfile for deploying to production and staging systems directly from Subversion.
def production():
config.fab_hosts = ['', '']
config.app_path = '/path/to/app/'
def staging():
config.fab_hosts = ['']
config.app_path = '/path/to/app/'
def svn_update():
"Updates the repository."
sudo("cd $(app_path); svn up")
def reboot():
"Reboot Apache2 server."
sudo("/usr/sbin/apachectl restart")
def update():
require('fab_hosts', provided_by=[production])
def deploy():
require('fab_hosts', provided_by=[production])
Now, deploying is easy. After committing my changes to Subversion, I simply instantiate:
$ fab production deploy
This is equivalent to:
$ fab production update reboot